Europe’s multi-cultural landscape offers a wealth of literary awards recognizing the finest achievements in contemporary literature across multiple genres. Browse awards here.
Finlandia Prizes are the most prestigious literature prizes in Finland. They are awarded annually to outstanding Finnish publications in the three categories Fiction, Non-fiction and Children’s and youth literature. The Prize is endowed with a total of 30,000 EUR.
The Väinö Linna Society is a traditional organization whose diverse activities combine members’ interests in the life and works of an author with diverse and active cultural activities. The Väinö Linna Prize is awarded by the City of Tampere since 1962. It is awarded irregularly for achievements in fiction writing. The award is endowed with 10,000 EUR.
The Finnish Literature Society awards the Aleksis Kivi Prize from the Aleksis Kivi Fund every three years to honor literary works in Finnish and the literary work of the laureate. It is a lifetime achievement prize. All genres of fiction are taken into account but the prize honors in particular narratives, poetry and plays. The Aleksis Kivi Fund has awarded prizes to distinguished Finnish writers since 1936.
Established in 1995, the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize honors the best Finnish-language debut novel of the year. It is awarded annually in November, around the anniversary of the founding of Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription newspaper in Finland and the Nordic countries. The prize is endowed with 15,000 EUR.
These national prizes are awarded in recognition of outstanding work completed within the previous three years or for long-term and outstanding activity in the art field in question. The State Prize in the category Literature is awarded to writers and translators by the Finnish State Literature Committee. The present prize for literature has been awarded since 1999. There are also prizes in the categories Illustration and Comics.