
Browse our growing selection of inspiring interviews with Japanese authors, translators and publishing professionals active in the multi-cultural European literary scene.

Tomomi Splisgart is a Japanese lecturer, writer and author based in Gdańsk, Poland. She specializes in children’s literature. In the interview, she speaks about her long-year fascination with Polish children’s literature and her involvement with the Polish literary scene.

Fumiko Miura is a Japanese author and Japanese language teacher based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She published her first book “Polderjapanner” in Dutch language in early 2023. In the interview, she talks about her motivation to write the book and the perception of Japanese culture in the Netherlands.

2021 Akutagawa Prize winner Mai Ishizawa is based in Germany. In the interview, she talks about the influence of the German language on her writing and how in her literary works memories from Japan mingle with her experiences in Germany.

Tettyo Saito is a Japanese author, who made his literary debut in Romanian language. Despite the fact that he has never been to Romania so far, he is deeply engaged with the Romanian literary scene. His upcoming challenge is mastering the Luxembourgish language.

Milena-Michiko Flašar is an Austrian-Japanese author, who writes about Japanese social phenomenona, such as hikkikomori or kodokushi in German language. In the interview, she traces her life between the two cultures from her childhood days to the present.