
City Library, Paphos, Cyprus, exterior


The modern literature of Cyprus had flourished in the 19th century while the country was under British rule, therefore it was borned in three languages: Dominantly in Greek, and also in Turkish and English. To have a multilingual national literature may be unusual for many countries; this tradition is rooted in their history for Cypriots.


Book Fairs/Literary Festivals

Sardam is an interdisciplinary literature festival in September, which is open to all kinds of literary innovation and experimentation. Taking place in Nicosia annually since 2013, it wants to present literature in out-of-the-box ways with performances, readings, and workshops. Authors can participate by following the annual open call and or via an direct invitation.

The Open Up Festival is placed in Nicosia since 2019. This multi-dimensional arts festival features exhibitions, performances, discussions, lectures, and video installations, as well as various art activites, music, screenings, parties, culinary events and workshops. Over the course of four days, it promotes talented artist and writers from Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Spain, and France, who are not yet able to present their work at a local or European level.

Taking place in Nicosia every October for two days, the Bookfest offers literary and musical events, performances, competitions, and workshops for adults and children. Every year, a different country is featured as the guest of honour, and introduced and celebrated through a variety of events, promoting its culture.

Based on the idea that poetry is the origin of everything, the Poetry Moves International Festival aims to strenghen the ties between poetry and other art forms like music, exhibitions, contemporary dance, and more. The theme of the first festival, held in October 2023, was Women’s World Poetry.

Launched in 2022, this annual fair seeks to stimulate the local book industry and draw international attention to Cypriotic literature and books. The event aims to be recognized as a cultural guide in the region, organizing special conferences and events for translators, agents, academics, booksellers and other literary professionals, as well as book lovers.

Literary Awards

Established in 2005, the Public Literature Award Cyprus honors the best literary work in Greek or Turkish, published in Cyprus. Organized by the Cyprus Library, this prestigious award comes with a prize of 10,000 EUR. It is a significant recognition of Cypriot literature, celebrating its finest contributions.

Established in 2011, the Cyprus Review Annual Book Award is presented to the best book published in Cyprus during the previous year. Organized by Cyprus Review, this award is endowed with 5,000 EUR. It is considered a prestigious acknowledgment of excellence in Cypriot literature.

Translation Awards

Literary Residencies

Placed in Boubouki, this writers residency has no restrictions regarding the theme of the writer’s work, although it is recommended that the work produced be influenced in some way by the landscape and uniqueness of Cyprus. Open to experimental narrative forms and media, writers and artists can stay at Boubouki Cottage for one week up to six weeks. At the end of each residency, the writer or artist is usually introduced to the public through a reading event and/or a workshop, or through a publication.

This residency program in Nicosia hosts artists, musicians, scholars, and composers, who have the opportunity to create new works and give lectures, workshops and masterclasses in Cyprus. Residents do not need to have a track record, but can be young and upcoming creators. Pharos aims to enable artists to create new works in a creative environment and to be inspired through stimulating artistic encounters.

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